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Chapter 1: Setting Campaign Goals

Learn how to set campaign goals and create aligned expectations for you and your stakeholders.

Setting Campaign Goals

What Will Your Campaign Achieve?

Strategizing and careful planning is one of the most important stages of a campaign. It is when you determine the Why and What of your campaign. Why are you running a campaign, and what do you hope to accomplish? The first step of this is to identify your campaign goal(s). A campaign can have a single goal, or it can have multiple goals. Here are common outcomes brands hope to achieve when running an influencer marketing campaign:

Brand Awareness

A campaign with a brand awareness goal is aimed at familiarizing potential customers with your product. It will help you establish your brand as a clear player in your industry, and put you on the radar of an extended network. While there are no clear KPIs for quantifying brand awareness, making your brand synonymous with your industry is a true indicator of brand success.

Have you ever heard someone say, “Wow, I could use a Coke?” But, they don’t necessarily mean a Coca Cola, they just want a soda. This is because Coca Cola has such strong brand awareness that for many people it represents all soda.

Site Traffic

Many influencer campaigns are targeted to bring more website traffic. This is a very realistic goal, as influencer audiences are highly engaged. Generating traffic from this network is relatively easy. But, it is important to determine how traffic will be measured. For example, this would require having a bitly link that all influencers will use, that can be easily tracked.


If you’re running an eCommerce campaign and you would like to boost sales through your influencers, then your goals should be conversions. Many influencer campaigns are used to generate sales and customers. Similar to a campaign targeting Site Traffic, it is important to have a method for tracking influencer conversions as well as incentivizing sales. One great way to boost sales and track conversions is through Coupon Codes.

Read more about eCommerce influencer marketing here.

Who Is your Campaign Targeting?

What demographic are you reaching

One of the key benefits of influencer marketing is the ability to target niche audiences. When planning your influencer marketing campaign it is important to understand who you would like to connect with. Here are some questions to ask that can help you determine your audience:

  1. Audience Age
  2. Audience Gender
  3. Audience Language
  4. Audience Interests
  5. Audience Values

Once you have determined the audience you would like to target, these parameters can be used to identify influencers with a matching audience.

Is your campaign for a specific region

Another critical element of identifying your influencer audience is the location. It is important to understand that the location of an influencer does not necessarily indicate the location of an influencer’s audience. If you’re aiming to target users in a specific region, check an influencer’s demographics to ensure they align with your goals.

Brand Values

Why brand values are important

Brand values are the beliefs your company stands for. They could be beliefs that are incorporated into your product. For example, TOMS shoes donate a pair of shoes to a child in need with every purchase. Or, they are social values that are reflective of your community. Customers have become more aware and sensitive to brand ethics, having strong brand values helps drive decision making and compassion from potential customers.

How to identify influencer values

An influencer is also a brand. As such they too have values that identify them amongst their competitors. Influencers are often explicit with their values, so reviewing past content is a great way to get to know them better. Or, perhaps review past collaborations to ensure that an influencer has not collaborated with a brand that contradicts your brand values.

There are also methods to check an influencer’s values using AI. Klear lets you set safety keywords to ensure your influencer has not used explicit language that would contradict your values.

Identifying influencer values is extremely important. First, it is a testament to the importance of your brand values. And, it avoids any online controversies that can result in a lack of faith from your audience.

Why consumers care about values

We are currently in the age of Conscious consumerism. A conscious consumer is someone whose buying practices and decision making is driven by environmental, economic, and social impact.

Read more about value-based marketing here.

Here are some values consumers tend to look for when making a purchase:

  • Fair Trade: Brand that supports a fair-trade cycle over profit
  • Give-Backs: Brands that donate to a charity or a marginalized group with every purchase
  • Inclusivity: Brand that is inclusive and empowering in their advertising
  • Activism: Brands that support important social issues
  • Diversity: Brands that are diverse in marketing and employment

Up Next

Chapter 2: Discovering and Vetting Influencers