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Chapter 3: Collaborating With Influencers

Build lasting relationships with your influencers through successful collaboration

Influencer Marketing Campaign Brief

What is an influencer marketing brief

Once you have discovered and vetted potential influencers it’s time to begin collaborating. Successful collaborations are built on a foundation of trust, and this usually requires aligned expectations from both parties. An influencer marketing brief is a perfect resource for smooth collaboration.

An influencer marketing brief clearly outlines campaign objectives, expectations, guidelines, and deliverables to any potential influencers you’ll be working with. It’s one of the best ways to ensure that your influencer and brand goals are aligned and that your influencer marketing campaigns are a success.

Why is an influencer marketing brief important

Unlike a contract, an influencer marketing brief is purely about the creative goals of the campaign. Having a transparent document outlining campaign goals is crucial for building long-term, lasting relationships. Additionally, this document can be shared internally. Allowing for full synchronicity between you and your teammates.

Influencer Agreement

What is an Influencer Agreement

Now, it’s time to get practical. While an influencer brief was the conceptual and creative guideline for your camping, an influencer agreement outlines the legal and regulatory framework of your relationship. Not only will it list the responsibilities of the brand and the influencer, but it provides the ability to set full control on an option to review content before it goes live.

What should be in an influencer agreement

While influencer agreements are unique for each campaign, there are certain elements that should be retained in all agreements.

A standard influencer agreement should include the following:

  1. Names & Date
  2. Purpose of Agreement
  3. Timeline
  4. Campaign Deliverables
  5. Payment Terms
  6. Content Exclusivity
  7. Regulations & Compliance
  8. Non-Competition Clause & Confidentiality
  9. Cancelation
  10. Signatures

Signing Influencer Agreements

It is imperative that you and your influencers have an easy method for signing agreements so you can begin collaborating. Influencer campaigns can be bi-coastal or international partnerships, so you are most likely not going to be sitting in the same room with your influencers. For this reason, e-signatures can be an easy option.

Find a tool that supports your agreement signing needs. Klear enables a hassle-free sending and signing of contracts with Klear Connect, our internal communication and collaboration portal.

Content Approval

The benefits of a content approval stage

Having a content approval requirement with your influencer ensures that no content goes live without your final okay. It’s as simple as that. You can determine how many rounds of edits content can go through. And, it also allows your influencer to receive valuable feedback and learn more about your aesthetic.

Not only is content approval great for facilitating collaboration between you and your influencers, but it also allows you to get an overview of your campaign before it goes live. Especially when working on a campaign with multiple influencers, content approval will ensure that all content is cohesive and that your campaign goals are being achieved.

How does content approval work

Running a content approval stage is relatively easy. First, determine how many reviews stages your content can go through (2 stages are often the industry standard). Then set deliverable dates for the review submissions.



What is the correct method of compensation

One of the most important stages of collaboration is compensation. It is not only important that you compensate influencers fairly and equally, but that all compensations are delivered in a timely manner.

There are many methods of compensation. It is important to determine which is best for your brand-influencer relationship: 1. Pay-per-Post 2. Long-Term Sponsorships 3. Freebies 4. Discounts

How to determine influencer rates

Many marketers find influencer rates to be one of the most challenging stages of the campaign. So if you’re overwhelmed, you’re not alone. Often influencer rates are established through negotiations, but as the industry grows benchmark rates are being established.

To help make this process smoother we have created an influencer rate card to help guide your budgeting.

2020 Influencer Rate Report.png

How to process multiple influencer payment

Working with influencers is like working with freelancers. You are paying smaller rates that finance departments are often equipped to process, and deadlines are usually dependent on your accountant’s schedule. This can make processing influencer payments challenging.

As you enter your influencer journey, it is important to talk with your finance team and understand any roadblocks you may encounter with payments. If you are working with international influencers, keep in mind that you will be processing payments in multiple currencies and be subject to various tax regulations.

Many brands opt to use an influencer payment provider to facilitate their payment needs. Klear Pay enables the direct transfer of funds in over 90 currencies and in the payment format that best serves you. We suggest doing some pre-campaign research and finding a service that best supports your team.

Up Next:

Chapter 4: Influencer Marketing Loyalty Program