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New: e-Commerce Influencer Suite

Learn how to utilize influencers for eCommerce success.

Lena Young
October 28, 2020

We are thrilled to announce a brand new suite of features that empowers you to increase eCommerce sales with influencers. This full-scale eCommerce influencer solution allows you to integrate Klear with your eCommerce platform and run end-to-end influencer programs that boost sales revenue, initiate user-generated content, and increase brand visibility. 

With our new eCommerce capability you can:

  • Integrate Klear with Shopify, Salesforce, WooCommerce, Magneto 2, or any desired eCommerce platform
  • Automatically collect your customer’s social details
  • Vet influencers in your client base 
  • Create, share, and track coupon codes and affiliate links
  • Easily communicate and collaborate with influencers 
  • identify influencers that work with competitors

See eCommerce Success With Influencers 

Our new features enable end-to-end influencer eCommerce programs. From an integrated pop-up to collect social details to the ability to send and track coupon codes. All of your influencer sales needs can be achieved using Klear. 

Automate Collection of Social Details 

Klear’s new eCommerce feature helps you identify existing influencers in your customer base by easily collecting social details. Klear makes this stage easy by letting you pick a method of social detail collection that best suits your customer journey. Options include an Integrate pop-up, a social details input field during sign-up, our within the customer’s account settings. Details will be automatically aggregated to your Klear workspace, and, using our AI algorithm, you can easily identify profiles with strong social media impact. 

This capability enables you to easily run influencer loyalty programs with your existing customer base and automates the entire process of collecting social details and identifying relevant influencers. 

Easily Identify Winning Collaboration Opportunities

Using Klear’s data-driven influencer technology, you can easily identify collaboration opportunities in a matter of seconds. All collected social profiles receive a Klear influencer score; a 0-100 score we created using thousands of metrics to easily detect social media influence. 

Evaluate potential influencers with Klear’s vast influencer metrics. Assess an influencer’s audience demographics to ensure their reach aligns with brand goals. Check audience authenticity to protect against fake followers. Set flagged keywords to ensure an influencer aligns with your brand values. And, even anticipate an influencer’s potential by evaluating performance metrics such as engagements and true reach. This is just the tip of Klear’s influencer vetting potential. 

Send and Track Coupon Codes and Affiliate Links

Klear generates Coupon Codes and Affiliate links that can be immediately shared with your influencers. And, Klear automatically tracks all incentives and generates a report on clicks and conversions, so you can track campaign success. 

All affiliate links and Coupon Codes can be customized to suit your campaign and/or influencer. Customizations include code name, value applied, and expiration date. All actions can be done within your Klear workspace, letting you centralize your entire workflow. And, I know there’s more, all coupon codes and tracking links are saved and organized in Klear’s Influencer Collaboration Portal. It really just keeps getting better. 

Manage Influencer Communication and Campaign Progress

With an integrated influencer collaboration portal, Klear makes managing campaigns with multiple influencers easy and hassle-free. First, say goodbye to messy email threads. All influencer communication can be done within Klear. And, communication can be done as a mass blast to the entire campaign, or as an individual direct message. 

Successful influencer campaigns are based on good relationships with you and your influencers. And, all healthy relationships are based on strong communication and trust. Klear’s collaboration portal lets you facilitate transparent communication with your influencers and set clear deliverables that foster trust for both parties. 

Klear’s collaboration portal enables you to:

  • Send mass messages and direct messages 
  • Share and sign contract 
  • Share and approve content 
  • Process Payments
  • Share Coupon Codes and Affiliate Links

Generate And Share Branded Campaign Briefs

An influencer brief is a crucial part of a successful campaign. With Klear’s in-app influencer Collaboration Portal, you can directly invite influencers to join a campaign and share a campaign brief. And, since Klear is full integrated into your customers’ account settings, all briefs are branded, so there is a visual flow to all material they receive. Check out our Free templatefor an influencer brief. 

Discover Influencers Working With Your Competitors 

Klear’s capabilities extend far beyond your own customer base. If you’re looking to identify influencers outside of your network, what better place to look than your competitors. Use Klear’s brand search filter to discover influencers collaborating with a specific brand. 

Boost Sales With Influencers

Want to learn more about our eCommerce capabilities? Schedule a meeting with one of our influencer marketing specialists, and learn how you can increase eCommerce Sales using influencers.