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6 Things People Love About Klear

From our award-winning influencer measurement technology to deep influencer insights, here are the top 6 things that made our clients go WOW this past year.

Natali Morad
February 07, 2020

2020 is gearing up to be a great year! In the past year, the influencer marketing industry experienced 48% growth! As more brands incorporate influencers to their strategy, we want to ensure that Klear is the ultimate tool from start to finish of a campaign.

Here are 6 reasons Klear will make you go wow!

  1. Instagram Story Tracking
  2. Award-Winning Influencer Measurement & Fraud Prevention Tech
  3. Super Targeted Influencer Search
  4. Deep Influencer Analytics
  5. Friendly Platform
  6. Easily Manage Influencer Relationships

Keep reading to learn more.

1. Instagram Story Tracking

Automatically track Instagram Stories by hashtag/brand name & measure views and comments across campaigns

“Wait, so [the Stories] will just automatically appear here? That’s awesome. And makes life so much easier.”
– Klear customer

Instagram Stories took the network by storm and brands and influencers adapted quickly – in 2018 1 in 3 Instagram posts was a Story!

However, as Stories gained in popularity, tracking and analytics became a big challenge – especially considering that they disappear after 24 hours. At the time, the only way to measure Story performance was to track them manually. Plus, the 24-hour fade-out made it crucial for marketers to take timely screenshots of all active campaigns (which means more manual work…).

Needless to say, this makes it nearly impossible for marketers to manage and scale their campaigns.

We decided to fix this. In 2018 we fully integrated with Instagram Stories enabling marketers to automatically track influencer content on Instagram Stories and get performance reports with:

  • #hashtag used
  • @username mentioned
  • Official engagement rates (views and replies)
  • Story content

2. Award-Winning Influencer Measurement Technology

The most advanced (and academically supported) way to accurately measure influence and avoid fake followers

״I think Klear is more effective because it generates a more in-depth view of influencers than any of the other tools I’ve used.”
-Klear customer

Marketers, how can you know (and justify to management and clients) that you’re relying on accurate influencer data?

We know this is a big pain point. With so many subjective industry measures and the rise of fake followers, it’s become almost impossible to objectively measure influence.


What marketers love about Klear is that our influencer measurement technology has been proven to accurately measure influence by SIGIR, one of the most prestigious industry associations. This makes us the first influencer marketing company (to our knowledge) to receive academic support!

So why did we go through the grueling process of publishing an academic paper? Glad you asked! It’s because we take influencer marketing and our core technology very seriously. We want to ensure that our technology is built according to the highest standards, which usually means having 3rd party academic verification – so that’s exactly what we did!

Bottom line: You can be confident that you’re using the most accurate metrics to plan, launch and measure your influencer campaigns. Not because we said so, but because we proved it.

3. Super Targeted Influencer Search

Search for niche influencers by hashtag/brand usage, influencer tiers and audience demographics and more!

Klear's super targeted influencer search engine
Example of targeted influencer search on the Klear platform

Looking for micro-influencers who used the #justdoit hashtag AND who post about fitness and veganism AND whose followers are 25-30 year old females residing in Australia?

No problem.

We’ve spoken with hundreds of clients and prospects and one of the things they love most about Klear is our super targeted influencer search. Specifically, their ability to find niche influencers – across any topic/interest (over 60k and counting!), influencer level, audience demographics, you name it – across the world.  

And the best part? It takes a few seconds.

4. Deep Influencer Analytics

Get deep analytics on every single influencer from audience demographics to branded partnerships and follower/engagement trends!

Klear's deep influencer analytics include audience demographics, branded partnerships, and more!
Example of influencer audience demographics on the Klear platform

One of the most common questions we get is “so we have a list of possible influencers, now what? How do we know which ones to choose for our campaigns?”

We took this question to heart and decided to build the biggest and baddest (i.e. the most comprehensive) influencer insights dashboard out there.

“This is the data that will get our manager on board – insights about each individual influencer and the people they interact with. Other platforms just have lists of influencers with little data. This is awesome, really awesome.”
– Klear customer

Marketers love using our influencer insights to get the most comprehensive and contextual overview of the influencers they’re planning to partner with, with info covering:

  • Follower/Fan & Engagement Trends – See how an influencer’s follower/fan count & engagement changes over time
  • Audience Demographics – View an influencer’s audience makeup: gender, location, interests, and more!
  • Portfolio – Check out the influencer’s branded partnerships
  • Industry Benchmarks – Compare influencer performance to influencers with similar follower/fan and engagement rates

5. Friendly Platform

You’re busy, and the last thing you need is a complicated platform for IM management. We get it.

That’s why, for us, user experience comes first. Marketers love that our platform is powerful and comprehensive, but also simple, straightforward and friendly to use.

“The platform is very self-intuitive and easy to read, for sure. This makes me happy. It will make our VP of Product even happier”
– Klear customer

6. The Best Way to Manage Influencer Relationships

This past year we launched an extremely exciting feature for complete influencer relationship management: Klear Connect!

With the new Klear Connect, you can stay up-to-date on campaign progress and manage influencer relations. From onboarding to payments, your entire influencer workflow can be easily coordinated from within Klear.

klear connect

Connect: Full-Cycle Campaign Management

  • Onboarding: Use customizable brief templates to provide your influencers with the necessary guidelines to run your campaign
  • Project Syncing: Streamline communication with an integrated chat service to stay in constant contact with influencers, share and approve creative ideas, and follow-up on your latest campaign
  • Contracts: Send and sign contracts hassle-free
  • Payment Tracking: Aggregate payments and money transfers directly
  • Track Stories: Invite Influencers to authenticate their Instagram profile for the ability to monitor IG Stories

Want to learn more about influencer marketing? We’d love to hear from you!